Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sweaters and books

It has begun.

Last night I finished the ribbing on the bottom of my sweater and started on the body and colorwork. It's not that bad once you get in the groove. I was doing this at midnight, though, mind you, and so I only got through five pattern repeats (out of fourteen) before I decided that I'd better go to bed or I'd sincerely regret it in the morning. I'm excited. It's going to look great when it's done, even though it's not exactly the prettiest thing in the world. The colors I chose for the jacket are a black background with a heather jade foreground. They looked beautiful when put next to each other, though when knitted up the green looks darker against the black ('twas expected). You know those pieces of clothing that are kind of ehhh, but people just wear them so much that they look good?

I don't know. That's kind of vague. My cousin was able to pull off that look all the time, where she took questionable pieces of clothing and just was able to make them look fine. If there's anything my cousin taught me, it's to make do with what you have and make it fabulous. That and to love color. Which are two valuable lessons, when I think about it.

In other news, I went to Barnes & Noble today and got more books, which is absolutely shameful of me. I'd say that a good third of the books on my shelf (maybe a fourth) haven't been read yet. I have a disease where I buy books faster than I can read them. But I can't help it! I walk into Barnes & Noble and always walk out with a book... or two or six. I love books. Books are beautiful and I am addicted to them. I can never resist. :D

So, what I got today: Essentials of Philosophy, Kingdom of Ten Thousand Things, The Mistress's Daughter, and The Last Empress. They all looked rather intriguing. I might also add that I judge a book based on its cover all the time... titles also draw me in.

Right now, I'm reading The Seamstress, which is about two sisters who are (who would have guessed?) seamstresses in a small town in Brazil around the 1930's. They each get swallowed up into political life outside of their small village in very different ways, and the book is about their lives and how they relate to each other. It's good so far, but the book is kind of slow. And deceivingly thick! Not that I'm one to complain, but it looks like it'd be about a 400 page book... nope. It's 648 pages. I don't know where they hide all those extra pages!

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