Monday, March 29, 2010

A smattering of everything (AND a sock!)

It feels a little weird, posting seventy million posts a day and then abandoning this thing for a few days. But, life calls. I went to a college visit thing at Indiana University (where I'm going next year) yesterday and today. I would be cuddled up and sleeping right now, except I can't really sleep. And so, I blog.

IU was awesome. I love it there, and I'm so glad I do, because it is really a super convenient set-up for me. I want to go to college to study East Languages and Cultures (what their major of Chinese/Japanese/Korean things is called), and IU is both near, SUPER cheap, and ridiculously excellent in the areas I want to study. Not to mention IU is a good school overall and has one of the most beautiful campuses EVER. It's gorgeous. Trees everywhere, lots of little cobblestone paths, big buildings that look like Hogwarts (if Hogwarts was made of limestone)... beautiful.

I didn't get very much knitting done. But this is how much I have on my sock:

I use the camera on my phone, which sucks.  I know.  The colors are all faded and grossly inaccurate; the color of the yarn is actually this wonderful, lustrous, leafy green.  The pattern is Monkey by Cookie A, available on Knitty (but I found it on Ravelry).

In other news... I've been thinking about changing the blog title.  I would really like to call it "I Don't Give a Shit [subtitle: and neither should you!]," but I think people would be offended by that, even though that's my life's philosophy.  Life is so much easier once you stop caring about the little things.  And then I could write some blog posts about the things I do care about, like education, philosophy, yarn, books, coffee, food, yoga, religion, and the quality of my water.  (I could go on a huge, multi-paragraph rant about how Fiji is the best tasting water ever because it has no taste - and yes, SOME WATER HAS TASTE.  I hate it.  I hate when I can taste my water.  Dasani water is particularly horrible.)

The reason I'm thinking of changing the title is because I don't really blog about knitting all too frequently... it's not like I have time to sit and knit for six hours everyday.  Maybe I would have that kind of time this summer, but I seriously doubt it.  And so I can't really update on my knitting progress very often.  This blog is really just a blog about whatever babble spews forth from my fingers.  I don't necessarily consider this a bad thing, but then again, I like to hear myself talk.  I think I can even be somewhat witty -- occasionally.  I think it comes from being in debate.

So I'm thinking of calling it Gingersnap.  My friend thought it up today, and wanted to call me it.  I think it sounds positively adorable, as does my other friend.

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