Thursday, March 25, 2010

Suffragette style

So, I've only ever had a bad haircut three times in my life: once when I was four, I cut a square into my bangs; twice last summer when some douchefag cut my hair way shorter than I wanted him to and I looked like a boy (at least he got the layers); and thrice, yesterday, when some bitch did not listen to a WORD I told her and decided not only to cut my hair far too short, but to not give me layers, either.

I'm ticked. It is SO HARD to give me a bad haircut, too! I'm not saying this to brag or be vain or anything... It just comes from the fact that my hair is a big, curly, coarse mess and will swallow up most mistakes that hair stylists make. Uneven ends? Awesome. My curls will swallow it up. Messed up the layering? See the last sentence. My hair does whatever I want it to do. Hell, it even grows twice as fast as the average human's does. Most people's hair only grows about a half-inch a month: mine grows an inch a month. A foot a year.

In my case, I'm going to have to wait a month before my hair will even RESEMBLE what the stylist was supposed to cut it like. Ugh. Everyone keeps telling me that they think my haircut makes me look cute; one guy at work even said it made me beautiful, lol. But people flatter. Since my anger has cooled down a tad, though, perhaps I don't look like a dyke anymore -- I'm just rocking a suffragette style.

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