Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Fatigued knitting

I've been working on the socks for quite awhile today.  Since my cousin managed to get herself into even MORE trouble, I've decided that she doesn't get these; my friend Brie does instead.  At my school I'm in the IB program, and there's only nine of us, and we've been in all the same classes together for nigh on two years - needless to say, we're pretty tight knit and like each other well enough to shout at each other and not get offended/angry.  And they all (well, I would like to think) affectionately tease me about my knitting, because I knit in school a lot.  Today I offered these socks up for grabs, and Brie immediately claimed them.  And so, they're hers.

When I finish them.  They're supposed to be done by, uh, Friday.  But, that's obviously not happening.  I took my sock into the guidance counselor's office and told the scholarship lady that this is my talent I'm doing for the scholarship - but it takes time and won't be done by Friday, so could I please send a picture of a work in progress?  She okay'd it... thankfully.  So I get a week or two extension on these things, and then they get handed over to Brie and I can work on something that I actually want to work on for ME!

It has occurred to me that I have never, ever knit anything for myself in my one solitary year of knitting.  Everything has been baby clothes or gifts or a lot of other small, unfinished things.  I really should knit my next project for me and me alone... after I finish another pair of socks and a hat for my very best friend in Ohio.  -_-;;

Have you ever knit so much in one sitting, and been so tired, that your knit stitches start to seem/feel like purl stitches?  I was sitting here, knitting and reading archives of this wonderful, witty blog when all of a sudden I had this panic attack that I was actually purling the stitches I was supposed to be knitting.  False alarm, but it sure felt like it to my tired eyes and fingers.  Oy vey, I need to go to bed.

This reminds me of the time I stayed up all night playing Guitar Hero, and after awhile my eyes got so abused and tired that the TV screen started swirling in front of me.  Freaky stuff.  Or the time that I was practicing marching for a parade in the marching band I used to be in, and it was swelteringly hot and after we stopped marching everything in the world got farther away and came back... farther away and came back; repeat.  It was odd.  Strangely enough, the one time I almost fainted, the only visual thing that happened to me was my vision slowly faded to black.  But I was still conscious (and walking, at that - but with help, of course)... it was pretty interesting, witnessing your vision fade away and then regaining it later.

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