Monday, March 22, 2010

Jillian Whoever-the-fuck's 30 Day Shred

So, my sister-aunt roped me into doing this 30 Day Miracle Workout. The conversation went like this:

Sister-aunt: Hey, want to do Jillian Whoever-the-fuck's 30 Day Workout with me?
Me: Sure.

Today we tried the first day. I kind of regret this decision because have I ever mentioned that I don't really believe in killing yourself to lose weight? A lot of this comes from my reading of yoga and yoga philosophy, which states very bluntly to love and listen to your body. In my opinion, workouts that make you collapse do not fit the definition of loving your body. And, admittedly, some of this may come from the fact that I am a comfort schmooze and I don't enjoy being uncomfortable. I think exercise should be something you enjoy, not something you dread. Exercise should be difficult, yes, but not to the point of you wanting to collapse. You should come out of a work out feeling strong and energized, not like falling into a pile of human mush and lying there until your dying day.

But oh well. It won't kill me to give up 20 minutes of my day to Jillian Whoever-the-fuck for a month. I can do 20 minutes a day, certainly. Ideally, you're supposed to lose about 10 to 15 pounds if you keep at it everyday. I would like to lose weight, so I guess I'll just stick through it.

If you need me, you'll find me on the Lose Weight for Summer Bikini Weather Band Wagon.

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