Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Only Tuesday?

I don't know how it can only be Tuesday.  Seriously.  How is it not Thursday?  Then again, part of me should be very glad it's not Thursday... I already have so many things to do, and sitting here blogging instead of studying for a physiology and anatomy test tomorrow certainly isn't helping anything. 

I sat down on my bed about a half hour ago with the very relaxed notion that my window was open, lovely spring air was blowing in, the birds were singing, and I actually had some free time in order to get a few things done so my life wouldn't resemble the national debt.  This morning I had a battle with my bed, and my bed inevitably won, causing me to oversleep considerably and be late for school.  The extra sleep is nice, but there's always that little interim when I get home in which I long for a nap.  And unless I start doing something immediately, I will inevitably succumb.  Today I managed to avoid napping, and it just amazes me how much time there is in the day now!

In other news, I learned how to salsa and meringue today.  It was very, very fun.  I love dancing.

Hopefully tonight, more sock knitting will be done.  I've turned the heel successfully without fucking anything up (hooray!), and so now I just have the gusset to do.  Due to life, I haven't had much of an opportunity to knit, so very little progress has been done on my sock.  What a shame.

I have an urge to cast on so many things!  My next project is absolutely going to be a black, scoop neck vest to wear over a blouse.  Since I'm not one to buy patterns, I bet money that I will end up designing this myself.  But really.  How hard is it to design a simple, scoop neck vest?  But first, in order to figure out how the armholes work, I really need to finish the simple EPS sweater that I'm working on for my friend (and also his socks and beret...).  And, my other friend is in love with Final Fantasy XIII's Hope, and particularly with his scarf.  She's commissioned me to knit it for her, and so the project of designing it and charting the colorwork and actually knitting it will surely be interesting.  And did I mention that I am in a bargain for knitting socks for a friend, in return for kitty/dragon smut?  Bahaha.

So, things to knit:
1. Finish Monkey socks
2. Two pairs of plain old socks, one blue, one red.
3. EPS sweater
4. Two berets
5. Scoop-neck vest
6. Hope's scarf.

Ohhhhh, I can do this!!!

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