Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Moar knitting (and some mistakes)

I've been knitting for the past few days as solidly as my schedule will allow me... With school, state debate, and just plain old life in general, I can usually only knit for about an hour or two each day.  Knitting is stress relief for me, so it's kind of crucial I get it in.  Seriously.  Holding the needles and going through the familiar movements really calms me down.  People usually think the opposite when I end up swearing at my project (which happens quite frequently), but it's just more stress relief.

Here we see my most swore-at work in progress ever, the fabulous Monkey socks by Cookie A (found on Knitty).  It's really quite a simple pattern and well-written.  I would know because this is my first time ever knitting socks, and I can understand these directions pretty well.  It's not the pattern I ever curse at... usually it's my inability to knit correctly.  My latest curse-fest?  I dropped a stitch somewhere in the gusset.  Not making the gusset, but the lacework that forms the top of the sock in the gusset... It's in one of the purl triangles and I just now noticed it after making good headway into the foot.  AND I absolutely have NO idea what to do!  I'm not stressing out about it too much, but I don't think these socks can be worn by anyone when I finish them.  Which is a shame... if I wanted to create a pair of socks that were a wash, I would've been far better just knitting a pair of plain old stockinette socks.  I think that's what I'm going to do when I finish this sock.  Because I do need to finish something.

Meanwhile, progress on EPS raglan sweater continues.  Usually I knit the socks during free time at school (Spanish, personal finance, English, and SRT... all free classes!) and save the sweater for home.  That way I can make sure that some progress is being made on both projects everyday.  The EPS sweater is easy because I can just mindlessly knit it while watching Lord of the Rings.  Man oh man, will there ever be anything more uplifting than seeing Frodo and Sam succeed in saving Middle Earth, Merry and Pippin cheering, Aragorn get crowned king and then sweeping Arwen off her feet, and Sam getting his girl?  I just want to cheer and dance around every time I see the end of the movies.  Just thinking about it now makes me enormously proud and happy.

I'm proud of hobbits.

Anywho.  I've told myself that after I finish both the sweater and the socks, I can start on my blanket.  Hope's Scarf kind of falls somewhere in between... I measured a scarf that's the size my friend wants it to be, and the base of the triangle is five feet.  I'm scared.  And I still need to swatch for it so Bree and I can chart the pattern.

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